Who We Are

Churches United for Justice is a 501(c)3 based in Wyandotte County. Founded in 2021, Churches United works to bring justice to all people. Utilizing our collective stories, Churches United addresses issue areas from within our congregations. We work to build our collective People Power in all our work to be able to hold our elected officials accountable.

What We Do

We are currently focused on three issues that affect the people in our community. Here are our researched solutions that we are calling on our leaders to implement:

  • Elder Care - Become a Community for All Ages (CFAA) Gold Level County

    This CFAA recognition program gives cities and counties tools to better understand how they can support their older residents. It celebrates communities in our area that are making efforts to be more inclusive for people of all ages, making them more lively, healthy, and successful in the process.

    The Levels:

    Bronze - For awareness of the issues affecting elderly people in the community

    Silver - For assessment of the needs of elderly people in the community

    Gold - For implementation of solutions to help elderly people in the community

    We currently have achieved the bronze level and we are calling on our elected leaders to move Wyandotte County to gold!

  • Affordable Housing - Create an Affordable Housing Trust Fund

    A county-wide AHTF could help in the following ways:

    Rental assistance

    Home repairs so people can remain in their homes

    Building affordable housing units by offsetting any losses builders might experience

    Shelter support

    We are calling on our leaders to adequately fund a Unified Government AHTF.

  • Violence - Group Violence Intervention (GVI)

    The National Network for Safe Communities (NNSC) supports communities who are working to reduce gun violence by building trust and transforming public safety. NNSC uses effective and proven strategies to identify individuals and groups most likely to commit violent crimes, and providing an alternative for them.

    GVI implementation brings law enforcement, community members and social service providers together to work towards a common goal. They each have their own roles to play, but they all work together to guide the intervention based on what they see and know on the frontlines. They use real-time data to understand violence and help those who are most at risk.

At our 2024 Nehemiah Assembly, we gathered to hear solutions to our community's problems, and ask our leaders to implement those solutions.


  • To engage with churches on their biblical mandate to Do Justice.

  • CUFJ is funded through grants, corporate investments, church membership dues, and individual member investments.

  • DART stands for Direct Action Research and Training. CUFJ is an affiliate organization of DART. DART believes communities ought to determine their future. We bring this belief to life by training community leaders and professional organizers to build power and take direct action on problems facing the communities. We listen deeply, research effectively, organize and take immediate action.

    Click Here for more info!

  • Email us: churchesunited@thedartcenter.org